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Dear Students,

Yeditepe University Senate decision dated 07/05/2020 and numbered 2020/8 “T.C. YEDİTEPE UNIVERSITY 2019- 2020 Spring Semester Distance and Teaching Principles for Distance Learning Courses will be applied only for the courses given by the distance education in the Spring Semester and Summer Education in the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester and Summer Education due to COVID-19 Disease. measurement and evaluation principles ”article 6: Make-up Exam: In the event that the final exam and make-up exam are not successful, a make-up exam will be held on the dates specified in the academic calendar.

Students who want to raise their grades from the courses taken in the spring semester 2019-2020 can also take the make-up exams.

The deadline for application is August 17, 2020.

Click here to reach the related form.

Exam schedule is as follows,

Spring Term Make-up Exams 26 August- 4 September 2020


We present to your attention.