Title: Assistant Prof. Dr.Department: Human Resources Management DepartmentPosition: Academic StaffEmail: deniz.altun@yeditepe.edu.trÇalışma Türü: Yarı ZamanlıAkademikResumeDr. Deniz Altun completed her undergraduate education, which she started in the Statistics Department of METU, in the Department of Industrial Design at ITU. He received his master's degree courses from Istanbul University and his doctorate degree from Okan University Business Administration Department. During the training and after super online, the designer of Ericsson and Volvo CE Creaworld-tech companies, such as Turkey, consultant and has worked in a managerial position. Within the Klickar start-up that he established as a laboratory for his doctoral research, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Wearable Technology Products, Smart Glasses and Distance Education, etc. It produces projects on advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and digital transformation solutions, with priority on issues. He simultaneously provides seminars and training on his areas of expertise and provides consultancy to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on digital training.